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Salut. En quoi pourrions-nous vous être utiles?


    Bienvenue dans le centre d'aide de Alison, où toutes les questions les plus fréquemment posées sont traitées.

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Can I get or apply for a job with Alison certificate?

    We’re unable to advise if individual courses can help you with getting a job, as it will vary depending on the type of job you apply for and what the entry requirements are for a particular job or career path. We suggest researching online, speaking to a career adviser or your local employment agency for more information on entry requirements for jobs you're interested in applying for. 

    By adding your Alison certificate under the title of Professional Development on your resume, you will demonstrate to  prospective employers that you are willing and interested in expanding your knowledge or skills in a particular area. For example, if you are going to an interview for a position in HR or customer service, having completed a psychology course will show that you are interested in better understanding the people that you may be dealing with on a regular basis.


    Over 50% of respondents to the Alison Learner and Graduate Survey stated their Alison certificate had helped them find a job or gain a promotion. These are people all over the world, from the USA to India, who are improving their lives with free learning. That’s quite an impact, but we aim to do even more. Our goal is to become the largest education certifier in the world. With more and more employers hiring Alison graduates every year, we’re well on our way.

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